VIC Model State File - Image Driver

VIC can save the hydrologic state from any point in the simulation (usually the final state) to a file for the purpose of re-starting the simulation later (as an initial state file). This is useful for simulations that require lengthy spin-up periods or ensemble methods. The initial state file is not required; if it is not specified, VIC will use a default starting condition, and will take initial soil moisture contents from the values specified in the parameters file. An initial state file may be prepared simply by running VIC with the necessary state file options in the global parameter file.

The model state file contains all information needed by the VIC model to "warm"-start a simulation (i.e. start from "realistic" conditions, or re-start a simulation exactly where the model previously stopped). To read an initial state file, or to save a "final" state file, the appropriate options should be set in the global parameter file.

The timestamp of the state file represents the instantaneous time for which the values of the state variables are valid. This corresponds to the end of the time interval after which the state file is written out and the beginning of the time interval for which the model is started. For example, if the MODEL_STEPS_PER_DAY is 24 (hourly) and the last time step for which the model is run is 1999-09-20 23:00:00, the the state file will be stamped 1999-09-21 00:00:00. This state file can then be used to restart a model run whose starting time will be 1999-09-21 00:00:00.

The state file in image driver contains the same variables as in classic driver state file, but is in netCDF format. The following is a detailed description of the dimensions and variables of the netCDF state file.

netCDF State File Dimensions

The netCDF state file dimensions include:

Dimension name Description
lon Number of longitudes
lat Number of latitudes
nlayer Number of soil layers
soil_node Number of soil thermal nodes
veg_class Number of vegetation types (including bare soil)
snow_band Number of snow bands
frost_area Number of frost areas

netCDF State File Variables - Dimensions, soil layers and thermal nodes

The following variables define the basic model information, including grid cell lat and lon, vegetation classes, snow bands, soil layers and thermal nodes and frost area.

Variable name Dimension Type Description
lat lat double List of latitudes
lon lon double List of longitudes
veg_class veg_class int Vegetation class indices
snow_band snow_band int Snow band indices
layer nlayer int Soil layer indices
frost_area frost_area int Frost area indices
dz_node [soil_node, lat, lon] double Distances between soil thermal nodes [m]
node_depth [soil_node, lat, lon] double Depth from surface of each soil thermal node (first node should have a depth of 0m indicating it is at the surface) [m]

netCDF State File Variables - state variables

The following variables contain information about the storage of moisture and thermal state for each vegetation and snow band tile within each grid cell. If the model is being run with distributed precipitation, the wet and dry fractions are averaged before the model state is stored and the model is always initialized with a mu value of 1.

State variable name Dimension Type Description
STATE_SOIL_MOISTURE [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Soil total moisture contents including ice for each soil layer [mm]
STATE_SOIL_ICE [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, frost_area, at, lon] double Soil ice content for each soil layer [mm]
STATE_CANOPY_WATER [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Amount of water stored in the vegetation canopy [mm]. Not defined for bare soil
STATE_SNOW_AGE [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] model_time_step Number of model time steps since the last new snow
STATE_SNOW_MELT_STATE [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] int flag to indicate whether snowpack is in accumulation or melting phase (1 melting, 0 not melting)
STATE_SNOW_COVERAGE [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Fraction of grid cell area covered by snow [1]
STATE_SNOW_WATER_EQUIVALENT [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Snow water equivalent [m]
STATE_SNOW_SURF_TEMP [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Snow surface layer temperature [C]
STATE_SNOW_SURF_WATER [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Liquid water content of the snow surface layer [m]
STATE_SNOW_PACK_TEMP [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Snow pack layer temperature [C]
STATE_SNOW_PACK_WATER [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Liquid water content of the snow pack layer [m]
STATE_SNOW_DENSITY [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Snowpack density [kg/m3]
STATE_SNOW_COLD_CONTENT [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Snowpack cold content [J/m2]
STATE_SNOW_CANOPY [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Snow interception storage in canopy [m]
STATE_SOIL_NODE_TEMP [veg_class, snow_band, soil_node, nlayer, lat, lon] double Soil temperature of each soil thermal node [C]
STATE_FOLIAGE_TEMPERATURE [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Overstory vegetaion temperature [C]
STATE_ENERGY_LONGUNDEROUT [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Outgoing longwave flux from understory vegetation [W/m2] (Note: this is a flux variable temporarily saved in state file to ensure exact restart)
STATE_ENERGY_SNOW_FLUX [veg_class, snow_band, nlayer, lat, lon] double Thermal flux through snowpack [W/m2] (Note: this is a flux variable temporarily saved in state file to ensure exact restart)

netCDF State File Variables - RVIC-Routing (only when RVIC extension is activated in the makefile before compiling)

State variable name Dimension Type Description
STATE_ROUT_RING [routing_timestep, outlet] double Routing ring unit hydrographs in the routing ring

Carbon Information

If CARBON=TRUE in the global parameter file, the following variables will appear in the state file.

State variable name Type Description
STATE_ANNUALNPP double Running total annual NPP [gC/m2]
STATE_ANNUALNPPPREV double Total annual NPP from previous year [gC/m2]
STATE_CLITTER double Carbon storage in litter pool [gC/m2]
STATE_CINTER double Carbon storage in intermediate pool [gC/m2]
STATE_CSLOW double Carbon storage in slow pool [gC/m2]

Lake Information (only when LAKES are turned on in the global parameter file)

State variable name Type Description
STATE_LAKE_SOIL_MOISTURE double Soil moisture below lake [mm]
STATE_LAKE_SOIL_ICE double Soil ice content below lake [mm]
STATE_LAKE_CLITTER double Carbon storage in litter pool below lake [gC/m2] (Note: this variable only appears if CARBON=TRUE)
STATE_LAKE_CINTER double Carbon storage in intermediate pool below lake [gC/m2] (Note: this variable only appears if CARBON=TRUE)
STATE_LAKE_CSLOW double Carbon storage in slow pool below lake [gC/m2] (Note: this variable only appears if CARBON=TRUE)
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_AGE model time step Number of model time steps since the last new snow on lake ice
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_MELT_STATE int Flag to indicate whether snowpack is in accumulation or melting phase on lake ice (1 melting, 0 not melting)
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_COVERAGE 1 Fraction of grid cell area covered by snow on lake ice
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_WATER_EQUIVALENT double Lake snow water equivalent on lake ice [m]
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_SURF_TEMP double Snow surface layer temperature on lake ice [C]
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_SURF_WATER double Liquid water content of the snow surface layer on lake ice [m]
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_PACK_TEMP double Snow pack layer temperature on lake ice [C]
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_PACK_WATER double Liquid water content of the snow surface layer on lake ice [m]
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_DENSITY double Snowpack density on lake ice [kg/m3]
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_COLD_CONTENT double Snowpack cold content on lake ice [J/m2]
STATE_LAKE_SNOW_CANOPY double Snow interception storage in canopy on lake ice [m]
STATE_LAKE_SOIL_NODE_TEMP double Soil temperature of each soil thermal node below lake[C]
STATE_LAKE_ACTIVE_LAYERS int Number of nodes whose corresponding layers currently contain water
STATE_LAKE_LAYER_DZ double Vertical thickness of all horizontal lake water layers below the surface layer [,]
STATE_LAKE_SURF_LAYER_DZ double Vertical thickness of surface water layer in lake [m]
STATE_LAKE_DEPTH double distance from surface to deepest point in lake [m]
STATE_LAKE_LAYER_SURF_AREA double Surface area of liquid water in lake at each node [m2]
STATE_LAKE_SURF_AREA double Surface area of liquid plus ice water on lake surface [m2]
STATE_LAKE_VOLUME double Lake total volume including liquid water equivalent of lake ice [m3]
STATE_LAKE_LAYER_TEMP double Lake water temperature at each node [C]
STATE_LAKE_AVERAGE_TEMP double Average liquid water temperature of entire lake [C]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_AREA double Area of ice coverage on lake at beginning of time step [m2]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_AREA_NEW double Area of ice coverage on lake at end of time step [m2]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_WATER_EQUIVALENT double Liquid water equivalent volume of lake ice [m3]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_HEIGHT double Lake ice height at ghickest point [m]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_TEMP double Lake ice temperature [C]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_SWE double liquid water equivalent depth of lake snow [m]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_SNOW_SURF_TEMP double Temperature of snow surface layer of lake snow [C]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_SNOW_PACK_TEMP double Temperature of snow pack layer of lake snow [C]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_SNOW_COLD_CONTENT double Snowpack cold content of snow lake [J/m2]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_SNOW_SURF_WATER double Liquid water content of surface snow layer of lake snow [m]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_SNOW_PACK_WATER double Liquid water content of pack snow layer of lake snow [m]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_SNOW_ALBEDO double Albedo of lake snow [1]
STATE_LAKE_ICE_SNOW_DEPTH double Depth of snow on lake ice [m]