Run Routing Model

Download Source Code

  • The current routing model code is available in the Routing Model Source Code section of the download page.
  • The code is packaged in a compressed tar archive. Extract the contents via:

    tar -xvzf filenamee

    where filename = name of the file you downloaded, e.g. route_code_1.1.tar.gz

Compile Routing Model

  • Change directory, cd, to the source code directory (extracted from the compressed tar archive above)
  • There should be 2 subdirectories: "samp_inputs" and "src"; cd to "src"
  • Edit rout.f and make sure that the parameters NROW, NCOL, NYR, and PMAX are all large enough to contain the dimensions of the basin and the length of the simulation.
  • At the command prompt, type:


  • If this completes without errors, you will now see a file called rout in this directory. rout is the executable file for the routing model.

Run Routing Model

At the command prompt, type:

`rout input_filenam_`


`input_filename` of the main input file corresponding to your project

If you'd like to capture the routing model's screen output in a log file, you can do (in C-shell):

`rout input_filename >& log.txt`


put_filename = name of the main input file corresponding to your project.

log.txt = name of a log file to contain the routing model's screen output.

Note: This version of the code uses a default value of UH_DAY=96, defined in rout.f. This was set to ensure the routing code would work in large basins, where routed flows take longer to exit the system (the previous default was 48). All .uh_s files created with one value of UH_DAY will not work if a new value is used in the routing code, and so .uh_s files must be re-created if they were originally made with the previous versions of the code.