LDAS Output File

The LDAS project output file format is designed to output a limited number of variables into the most compressed file format available. Most of the output variables are stored as short int values in a binary file. Short int values require only 2 bytes for storage but do not allow the range of values normally stored so most variables are modified by a constant before storage. Details of the file storage format are discussed on this page.

Each output file contains model output from one grid cell. The files use the naming convention "fluxes_xx.xx_yy.yy", where xx.xx is the latitude, and yy.yy is the longitude. The number of decimal places in the output filename is determined by GRID_DECIMAL in the global parameter file, while the latitude and longitude values come from the soil parameter file.

LDAS Output File

Binary Format

Data is in an Binary column format. To make VIC output in this format, paste the contents of the file output.LDAS_OUTPUT.template, which is included with the VIC Source Code on the download page, into the bottom of your global parameter file.

Column Variable Name Units Type Multiplier Description
1 year year unsigned short int 1 Year of current record
2 month month char 1 Month of current record
3 day day char 1 Day of current record
4 hour hour char 1 Hour of current record. Hour is present only if model is run at a sub-daily time step.
5 prec mm unsigned short int 100 Precipitation
6 evap mm short int 100 Evaporation
7 runoff mm float 1 Runoff
8 baseflow mm float 1 Baseflow
9:(8+Nlayer) moist mm unsigned short int 10 Layer moisture content (unfrozen)
(9+Nlayer) swq mm unsigned short int 100 Snowpack water equivalence
(10+Nlayer) net_short W/m2 short int 10 Net shortwave radiation
(11+Nlayer) in_long W/m2 short int 10 Incoming longwave radiation
(12+Nlayer) r_net W/m2 short int 10 Net surface radiation
(13+Nlayer) latent W/m2 short int 10 Latent heat flux
(14+Nlayer) sensible W/m2 short int 10 Sensible heat flux
(15+Nlayer) grnd_flux W/m2 short int 10 Ground heat flux
(16+Nlayer) albedo fraction unsigned short int 10000 Surface albedo
(17+Nlayer) surf_temp C short int 100 Surface temperature
(18+Nlayer) rel_humid % unsigned short int 100 Relative humidity
(19+Nlayer) air_temp C short int 100 Air temperature
(20+Nlayer) wind m/s unsigned short int 100 Wind speed
(21+Nlayer):(20+2*Nlayer) ice mm unsigned short int 10 Ice content. Present only if FROZEN_SOIL is TRUE
(21+2*Nlayer),(23+2*Nlayer),...,((19+MAX_FRONTS*2)+2*Nlayer) fdepth m unsigned short int 100 Depth of frost ( < 0C above this depth ). Frost depth values alternate with thaw depth values for all defined fronts. Present only if FROZEN_SOIL is TRUE
(22+2*Nlayer),(24+2*Nlayer),...,((20+MAX_FRONTS*2)+2*Nlayer) tdepth m unsigned short int 100 Depth of thaw ( > 0C above this depth ). Thaw depth values alternate with frost depth values for all defined fronts. Present only if FROZEN_SOIL is TRUE